Our Complete Home Inspection Process will Provide the Information You Need to Make Your Decision with Confidence.
Congratulations! You’ve found a house you want to buy. With so much invested in the purchase of your house, you’ll want a complete home inspection report by an expert home inspector.
Know What You Are Buying
The Home Inspection is an unbiased, professional assessment of the condition of the home. It provides you with an expert opinion and professional report on the condition of the physical structure and various systems within a house such as:
- Structure
- Roof and Attic
- Walls
- Electrical Systems
- Exterior
- Foundation
- Kitchen and Baths
- Plumbing Systems
- Heating & Air Conditioning Systems
No house is perfect. Even the best built and best maintained homes will always have a few items in less than perfect condition.
When the inspection is complete, we’ll tell you about any problems we find and categorize them as Improve, Monitor, Repair, Major Repair, Safety Concern or Further Investigate. We’ll also tell you about any routine maintenance that should be performed as well as answer any questions you may have. You’ll also receive a full written report of the inspection.
Inspector Profiles
Inspection Services
Do You Have a Question?
Do you have a question relating to home inspections ? We can help. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll contact you with the answer, with no obligation to you. We guarantee your privacy.
As a member of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, we adhere to a strict code of ethics as a home inspector. The code of ethics can be viewed here: International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) website.
Radon Gas Testing
/0 Comments/in Inspection Services /by pippindesignRadon Gas is created when uranium in the soil decays. The gas then seeps through any access point into a home.
Water Quality Testing & Well Yield Testing
/0 Comments/in Inspection Services /by pippindesignTesting your drinking water for the presence of organic and inorganic chemicals.
Inspections for Wood Destroying Insects
/0 Comments/in Inspection Services /by pippindesignTermites and other wood destroying insects such as carpenter ants can do massive damage to a home.
Pre-Sale Inspections for Sellers
/0 Comments/in Inspection Services /by pippindesignIf you are selling a home, you’ll get the highest price in the shortest time, if your home is in top condition.
Home and Condo Inspections
/0 Comments/in Inspection Services /by pippindesignThe inspection report will tell you what needs to be repaired and what routine maintenance tasks you should perform to keep the house in top condition.
Multi-family Home Inspections
/0 Comments/in Inspection Services /by pippindesignThere are good reasons to have a professional inspection performed on the new home or investment property you are buying. Buying a new house is likely the largest purchase decision you’ll ever make. The whole process is fraught with emotion and stress.